Firefox Extension Roundup (Jan 2011)


I’ve been thinking about it, and I’d like to start tracking which Firefox extensions I have installed.  I may do some other lists, but I want to start putting out content that shows valuable extensions which I use.

I’ll try to find some time and write up reviews on these extensions and the list will definitely change over time, but here’s what I have installed today.

2 thoughts on “Firefox Extension Roundup (Jan 2011)

  1. Jonathan, Are you using Google Chrome at all? I should do another Chrome extensions plugin post, but I have way too many LOL!

    1. Yes I do use Google Chrome, but I still primarily use Firefox (now Firefox 4).

      Chrome doesn’t have all the extensions I need to function day to day in a browser. Lots of data I need access to and Firefox can provide that. One Chrome can, I’ll switch full-time.

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